[Ended] Session 7 - Translate SANGFOR technical documents into Your Local Languages!

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 2022-Jul-02 13:40

Dear members,

We need more technical documents written in various languages, such as Bahasa, Thai, Italian, French, etc. Welcome to join us to translate the technical documents if you:
✔ Are willing to translate English configuration, deployment and troubleshooting guides into one of these languages:  Thai, Bahasa, Italian, French, Turkish, Spanish;
✔ Want to earn more coins in your spare time;
✔ Want to get a badge and reward of ‘Top Translator’;
✔ Want to learn how to write configuration, deployment and troubleshooting guides;

1. Event Duration: July 2 – July 31, 2022
You'd better catch your time to choose the documents before July 10th.
We only accept the registration to this event by inputting your UID!!!

2. Event Rewards:
1). 500 coins for the first 10 participants who join this event.
2). Another 1,000 coins will be awarded to each participant when the number of participants reaches 20. Invite more friends to join you to get coins.
1000 coins for participants reaches 20;
1500 coins for participants reaches 25;
3000 coins for participants reaches 30;

3). 1500 coins for each page translated.
For example, if you translate a document with 8 pages, you will get 12000 coins.

4). TOP3 Translation Reward for each region: 2000 coins
The top 3 participants in the number of documents translated every month will be rewarded 2000 coins.

5). Win the “Annual TOP Translators” award and get 15000 coins.

Kindly Reminder:
Coins can be redeemed for gifts in Store. If there are no preferred gifts to redeem, welcome to
submit your suggestions to us. An accepted suggestion earns you 100 to 1,000 coins.

3. How to Participate:

In only four steps can you complete the process and get lots of coins. Click the below text to access the document lists.
Here is a quick way to check your UID.

Note: We only accept the registration to this event by inputting your UID!!!

4. Event Rules:
1). Any translation tool is forbidden. Rewards will be canceled.
2). All translations should be sent to jojo.luo@sangfor.com before the end of each month. If you can’t finish the documents you have chosen, please tell us before the middle of every month.
3). Keep the format of your translation with English versions. 300 coins will be reduced if your format looks bad.
4). Deleting the documents chosen by others is prohibited.
5). Except for content index, screenshots, technical terms, and UI words, the other content should be translated into your local language. For example:

6). Coin rewards will be distributed to your account before the 10th of next month and can be checked through “Message > System” beside your user name.

Note: We only accept the registration to this event by inputting your UID!!!

Award Announcement

Congratulate the following participants on getting coin rewards for their nice translation.
RankingTranslated Docs.User NameTotal CoinsRegion

RankingTranslated Docs.User NameTotal CoinsRegion
120Dominic Hendro136,000Indonesia
213Faisal P96,000Indonesia

Noman Rajput Lv2Posted 2022-Jul-08 04:10
May i translate in Urdu  ?
naomivillamor Posted 2022-Jul-04 08:17
I think its not priority because Filipinos have a good understanding in English
regidorreyes Lv5Posted 2022-Jul-02 14:22
Why it doesn't have the Filipino option?