Round 84 - Crossword Puzzle

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 2021-Dec-07 15:55

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Welcome to the Round 84 - Crossword Puzzle game!

Fill in the blanks on the puzzle board with the correct words to win the coins!

[Event Duration]
Dec. 7 - Dec. 13

[Event Rewards]
100 coins for each correct word answer! 500 coins in total if all 5 words are answered correctly!

[Puzzle Board]
1. It is a living document,designed to bridge between a high-level corporate strategy and a cloudimplementation/adoption/migration plan.
2. It is a collaborativedata management practice focused on improving the communication, integrationand automation of data flows between data managers and data consumers across anorganization.
3. It is a collection ofequipment installed on the earth’s surface that enables communications over oneor more satellites.
4. It is generated from theconversion of the kinetic energy associated with the rise and fall of oceanwaves into electrical energy via a range of capture and conversiontechnologies.
5. Gartner uses it to ratevendors based on criteria that focus on the important aspects of an emergingor mature market.


-------------------------------------/ Coins Giveaway /-------------------------------------------

Congratulate the following participants on getting 5 right answers and winning 500 coins.
@Ghostlying @Osama Muhammad @Saifur @nicksim86 @Christ Lee @Newbie1398 @NCML985261 @Darwin Ian @Liza Perez @jetjetd @ Bebe_Bote @ Kalem @chepadrinao @ElvinPadrinao @Fverdillo @MelvinSen @Newbie362074 @Hossien_52327 @Sangfor_Brando @Jhazz @CoffeeMeet @Sumon @Tanhaz @Luih Miranda @rivsy @Mike Lee @Cman81 @Pinokya @Apriyanto @Dominic Hendro @ rjforti5 @Asif @Pat

Congratulate the following participants on getting 4 right answers and winning 400 coins.
@Faisal @jhmandreza @jsix

Congratulate the following participants on getting 3 right answers and winning 300 coins.
@Cristian G

Sangfor Selene Posted 2021-Dec-14 09:09
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jsix Lv2Posted 2021-Dec-13 11:36
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jhmandreza Lv2Posted 2021-Dec-13 09:37
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Pat Lv4Posted 2021-Dec-13 09:02
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Asif Lv1Posted 2021-Dec-12 12:53
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rjforti5 Lv2Posted 2021-Dec-11 20:08
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Dominic Hendro Lv4Posted 2021-Dec-10 18:53
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Apriyanto Lv5Posted 2021-Dec-10 15:56
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Pinokya Lv2Posted 2021-Dec-10 10:48
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Cman81 Lv2Posted 2021-Dec-10 09:04
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