External Report Center

Newbie015559 Lv1Posted 2021-Sep-22 14:35

Hello World!

i have a problem (error) on my external report center.
im using version 12.0.8 report center

when i want to export traffic statistic or application bandwidth distribution, is always error with "Errors occurs, please try again". same thing when i want to search some user activity in some date.

i have this problem since 3 months ago.

can somebody tell me whats i have to do?


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Good day! Have you try to filter with shorter period? Will get the same error message too?
Is this answer helpful?
Sami Lv1Posted 2021-Oct-02 06:08
Dear Sir,

You can contact either local Sangfor Rep or email us at tech.support@sangfor.com to further verify and look into this issue.

Thanks & Regards

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