Question 4 - One Question A Week

admin Posted 2019-May-20 16:46

Hi guys!

Happy Monday!
We are moving to our Fourth question now!

[Event Duration]
Question 4  May 21 – May 27

[How to Play]
Write your answers in this thread.
Your answer is only visible to the author.
[Event Rewards]
Each reply will earn 100-coin tokens, and the right answer will earn extra 200-coin tokens.

1. The rewards will be sent out next week.
2. The right answer will be updated in this thread next week.

Question 4
This question is about NGAF product.
Does NGAF support for linux login?

Tell us your answer tomorrow!

Update on May 28
Question: Does NGAF support for Linux login?
Answer: No. Only support for IE in windows and safari in macOS. Android and IOS easy connect support from 7.2.

Did you get it right?
Cheers ~
ChrisB Lv2Posted 2020-May-18 10:53
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Bella Lv2Posted 2019-May-27 18:51
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Ammar Lv1Posted 2019-May-24 14:00
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Epin Lv1Posted 2019-May-23 09:24
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SUGI Lv3Posted 2019-May-22 22:21
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arieltuppil Lv1Posted 2019-May-22 15:53
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Aepudin Lv4Posted 2019-May-22 11:20
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Riki Legal Lv2Posted 2019-May-21 22:16
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Kensky Lv3Posted 2019-May-21 22:08
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Iphul Lv2Posted 2019-May-21 21:58
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