How to connect two nodes in HCI?

Russel Damole Lv1Posted 21 May 2024 13:21

How can you connect two nodes in HCI? Both nodes are now pingable individually but is not connecting to the network. Thanks!

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Hi, you mean connecting nodes toghether? the management port of both nodes resides on the same network segment? here on community you can find the manuals on categories -> hci acloud
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fuadmahbubun Lv1Posted 03 Jun 2024 23:25
connect two nodes into management interface switch, set each IP address in same subnet. so you may access both of Node from management PC.
then connect edge interface switch to make access to public or private network.
Tayyab0101 Lv2Posted 31 May 2024 13:03
if both the nodes are on the same network particularly their mgmt/admin network then its a piece of cake.
Newbie290036 Lv2Posted 30 May 2024 21:21
To connect the two nodes in your HCI cluster, you'll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Verify the network configuration

1. Ensure that both nodes are connected to the same network and have the same subnet mask.
2. Check the IP address and default gateway settings on both nodes to ensure they are correct.
3. Verify that the network interface cards (NICs) on both nodes are set to the correct mode (e.g., VLAN, trunk, etc.).

Step 2: Configure the bond settings

1. Log in to the Sangfor HCI web interface and navigate to "System" > "Network" > "Bonds".
2. Click on the "Create Bond" button and select "bond0" as the bond name.
3. Set the bond mode to "802.3ad" or "LACP" (Link Aggregation Control Protocol) and specify the interfaces you want to bond (e.g., eth0, eth1, etc.).
4. Set the bond speed to "1000 Mbps" or "10 Gbps" depending on your network requirements.
5. Click "Save" to save the bond configuration.

Step 3: Configure the IP address settings

1. Log in to the Sangfor HCI web interface and navigate to "System" > "Network" > "IP Address".
2. Select the bond interface you created in Step 2 (e.g., bond0) and click on the "Edit" button.
3. Set the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway for the bond interface.
4. Click "Save" to save the IP address configuration.

Step 4: Verify the connectivity

1. Ping the IP address of the bond interface from one node to another to verify connectivity.
2. Use tools like ping, ping6, or telnet to test network connectivity between the two nodes.
Newbie451055 Lv2Posted 30 May 2024 11:28
Sangfor HCI server requires 4 types of connectors :
- Edge
- Management interface
- Overlay Network
- Storage Network
in order to join 2 nodes in one HCI Console do the following:
- ensure management interface in same network
- login to 1 of HCI server, choose "Nodes" >> "Add New Node"
- follow the wizard.

Zonger Lv4Posted 29 May 2024 18:33
If two nodes in a Hyper-Converged Infrastructure (HCI) environment are individually pingable but are not connecting to the network when connected together, please ensure that the network cables connecting the nodes are securely plugged into the correct network ports on each node and that the cables themselves are not damaged. Next, verify that the network settings, such as IP addresses, subnet masks, and gateway configurations, are correctly configured on both nodes and are compatible with the network environment. Additionally, check the network switch or router to confirm that the ports to which the nodes are connected are configured correctly and are functioning properly. If the issue persists, consider restarting the network services on both nodes or rebooting the entire HCI cluster to reset network configurations and establish connectivity.
Farina Ahmed Posted 29 May 2024 17:47
Start by verifying that the network settings, such as IP addresses, subnet masks, and gateways, are correctly assigned and within the same subnet. Check the network interfaces and confirm they are up and running. Ensure that the necessary ports are open and not blocked by firewalls, and that the nodes can resolve each other's hostnames. To connect two nodes in HCI (Hyper-Converged Infrastructure), ensure that both nodes are properly configured and part of the same cluster. Use cluster management tools or software specific to your HCI solution to add the nodes to the same cluster, following the prescribed procedures for your HCI platform.
pmateus Lv2Posted 29 May 2024 15:46
They should have the management connected to the same network segment and HCI so they can reach each other.
jerome_itable Lv3Posted 29 May 2024 12:52
There are two main approaches to connecting two nodes in Sangfor HCI,

depending on whether you're using a network switch or not:

Using a Network Switch (Recommended):

    Physical Connection: Use Ethernet cables to connect dedicated Gigabit or 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports on each node to a switch.

    Network Configuration: Assign static IP addresses to the connected network interfaces on each node, ensuring they are on the same subnet.

    Overlay Network Interface: Configure an overlay network interface on each node. This dedicated interface should use the same type of Gigabit or 10-Gigabit connection as used with the switch.

Direct Connection (Without Switch - Not Ideal):

    Physical Connection: If you don't have a switch, use a direct connection between the two nodes using their available Ethernet ports. This can be a point-to-point connection or a small local network.

    Network Configuration: Assign static IP addresses to the directly connected network interfaces on each node, ensuring they are on the same subnet.

Additional Considerations:

    Testing Connectivity: After configuration, use the "Test Connectivity" function within the Sangfor HCI management interface to verify successful communication between the nodes.

    Dedicated Storage Network: It's highly recommended to set up a dedicated network for storage traffic, separate from the general network connection.
mdamores Lv3Posted 29 May 2024 11:36

connecting 2 nodes in sangfor hci requires both physical cabling and software configuration. you may try below:

- Physical connection
   - you may try direct connection  if you don't have network switch by using standard LAN cable and connect directly on each dedicated network ports
   - best option is to connect thru network switch by connecting each node's dedicated network port to  network switch's 1G or 10G port.

- Software configuration
   - you need to configure and assign static IP address on the NIC of each node and make sure that  they are connected on a same subnet and pingable by each other
   - if in a cluster with 2 nodes, you need to configure an overlay network interface for each node. this will facilitate the communication within the HCI cluster.

For troubleshooting you need to consider the following:
1. make sure that physical cables are intact  and plugged in to HCI nodes and network switches
2. verify that the IP addresses, subnet mask, and gateway used are correct and on the same subnet.
3. use ping command from each node to check connectivity
4. if all else fails, you may reach out to Sangfor support for immediate assistance and support.  

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