Sami Lv1Posted 25 Aug 2020 05:26
Dear Mr. Romiah,

Please let us know whether you are using vIAM on Sangfor aCloud or Third Party Platform?

Thanks and Regards.
Sangfor_Yong Lv1Posted 21 Aug 2020 12:34
Hi bro, are you using vIAM?
May  I know is the license file for Sangfor aCloud? If yes you need to import the license key file to aCloud. And then go to Network topology, select the vIAM, and click authorization and assign the proper resources to the vIAM.
Sangfor_Siva Posted 20 Aug 2020 06:17
If you have the license file, you may go to 'System' > 'General' > 'Licensing' and select 'Manual Update'.
Click 'Import' and upload the license file for Authorization.

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