Pat Lv4Posted 2024-Jan-31 17:55
The reason why your DMZ HCI servers are overheating could be hidden in one of these technical shadows. Make sure the fans are rotating and the vents are clear before looking for airflow bottlenecks. Examine the server workload after that. Excessive CPU or memory consumption might fuel thermal fires. If necessary, think about scaling resources or optimizing tasks. An additional possibility for the arsonist is faulty hardware; do diagnostics and replace any malfunctioning fans, power supply, or internal parts. Remember the surroundings: intense heat might exacerbate the fire, so look into air conditioning or other cooling solutions. Lastly, resource-hungry processes or out-of-date software may be the cause. Update drivers and firmware, then look for any software that is behaving erratically. You can identify and stop the overheating by methodically inspecting these suspicions, ensuring that your HCI servers operate cool and long.
pmateus Lv3Posted 2024-Feb-01 01:01

If the HCI Servers are running high temprature if because the room don't have theproper cooling system for your servers.
Adam Suhail Lv1Posted 2024-Feb-02 10:17
Maybe can try to relocate the HCI servers on to another rack to see if there is difference

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