Unable to launch Endpoint Secure agent

  • 215
  • 0

Issue Description

When user launch the Endpoint Secure agent, a pop up appears showing "The agent is launched by other users."

Error/Warning Information

Handling Process

1. Open task manager and switch to [Users].
2. Found that there is another user on the Windows with 'Disconnected' status.

3. The Agent process will run on the user profile which logged into the Windows first. It will switch to next available user once the first user sign-out.

4. In this scenario, the user had locked and sign into a different user account. Thus, the agent is still running on the first user profile.

Root Cause

Endpoint Secure agent service can only run on one user at a time.


To solve this, login to the first user and sign out from the Windows.

I want to write a case
Doc ID: 9396
Author: Siva
Updated: 2023-10-25 10:52