noime Lv3Posted 12 Oct 2023 14:58
In a nutshell, the answer is that DB2 can be transferred from the AIX platform to x86 RHEL (Conditions Applied for Migration), but not from the AIX OS.
I can provide specific DB2 migration instructions upon request.
MISMIS Lv3Posted 12 Oct 2023 15:08
It is theoretically feasible to migrate from AIX to RHEL on an HCI infrastructure, but it would take a lot of time and work. There might be difficulties with software compatibility, application migration, and possible performance variations because AIX and RHEL are two different operating systems. To make sure programs function effectively on the new platform, it could be necessary to rewrite or reconfigure them.
isabelita Lv3Posted 12 Oct 2023 15:09
Does Sangfor HCI enable this? Does Sangfor provide any services to size, plan, and migrate the entire IBM system to a new platform, including the application and OS, etc.?
- Sangfor HCI does not natively support AIX; instead, it primarily supports x86-based hardware and virtualization technologies like VMware and Hyper-V. Other HCI vendors often give expert services to aid in the planning and execution of migrations.
Adonis001 Lv3Posted 12 Oct 2023 15:10
It is advised to get in touch with Sangfor's technical support or consulting services directly if you have any questions about the service they provide. The amount of assistance they can give for the conversion of AIX and DB2 applications, as well as if they offer services to assist with sizing, planning, and migration of the IBM Power8-based computers to their HCI platform, will be made clear by them.
GingP Lv2Posted 12 Oct 2023 15:13
Due to differences in architecture and compatibility, moving from AIX and DB2 to an HCI platform on Intel-based systems without changing the OS is quite difficult. To perform a successful relocation, professional services and meticulous preparation are necessary, and outside specialists could be required. Sangfor and other HCI manufacturers can help with infrastructure implementation, but they might not be able to handle the difficulties of moving from AIX to Linux.
Hector Ignacio Lv2Posted 12 Oct 2023 15:15
Yes, you can transfer AIX DB2 to Sangfor HCI without switching OSs. In order to facilitate and speed up the migration process, Sangfor HCI supports AIX as a guest operating system and offers a variety of tools and functionalities.
MTR Lv2Posted 15 Oct 2023 20:56
Migrating IBM Power8 based machines running AIX and DB2 to an HCI (Hyperconverged Infrastructure) platform using Intel-based commodity hardware is a complex task, and several considerations need to be taken into account. Let's address your questions:

Is it possible to do so without changing OS platform i.e., AIX to RHEL?

It's generally not straightforward to directly migrate from AIX to a Linux-based OS like RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) due to fundamental differences in the underlying architecture (PowerPC vs. x86/x86_64). This would typically involve a re-platforming effort.

AIX applications are compiled for the PowerPC architecture and would need to be recompiled for x86_64 to run on RHEL. Additionally, data migration and compatibility issues may arise.

AIX also has specialized features and configurations that may not have direct equivalents in a Linux environment.

Does Sangfor HCI support this migration, or is there any service offered by Sangfor to size, plan & migrate the whole IBM thing to a new platform including the application and OS, etc.?

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Sangfor HCI is an HCI solution designed for x86/x86_64 architecture. It's not designed for the PowerPC architecture used by IBM Power8.

Sangfor may have services or consulting options available for migration projects, but this would need to be confirmed with Sangfor directly. They might be able to assist with the planning and execution of a migration project, but it's important to ensure that their solution is compatible with the target hardware and software environment.

For such a critical and complex migration, it's recommended to engage with a professional services team, either from the HCI vendor or a third-party consulting firm, with expertise in both IBM Power Systems and x86/x86_64 architectures.

In summary, while migration from AIX to an x86/x86_64-based HCI platform is possible, it's a significant undertaking. It's crucial to engage with experts who have experience in both environments to plan and execute the migration successfully. Consulting with Sangfor directly would be a good first step to explore their capabilities and services for such a migration.

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