isabelita Lv3Posted 12 Oct 2023 12:29
When establishing a new virtual storage system within a fresh cluster, the outcome is contingent on your specific configuration and preferences. If you're initiating a completely new virtual storage system in a new cluster, it generally commences as a blank canvas. Consequently, any existing data from the previous cluster or storage configuration won't be automatically carried forward to the new cluster.

Nevertheless, it's worth mentioning that this situation can vary based on the technology or software employed for virtual storage and cluster management. Certain solutions may provide migration or replication features that facilitate data transfer from an old cluster to a new one. If you have access to such capabilities, you may have the option to either preserve or migrate data from the previous cluster to the new virtual storage
Noah19 Lv3Posted 12 Oct 2023 12:30
"Upon setting up virtual storage in the new cluster, the data currently residing on Node-C will be deleted."

"Data was lost when Node-C was expelled from Cluster-A due to a malfunction."

"When configuring the new virtual storage in the fresh cluster, the prior data will be wiped out."
NeTSec Lv3Posted 12 Oct 2023 12:37
If the local storage devices (HDDs/SSDs) of Node-C were not physically removed or erased, the prior data that was synced on Node-C should still be accessible when a new cluster is formed with Node-C and other new nodes.
However, the HCI software and configuration will determine whether or not the data can be easily incorporated into the new cluster's virtual storage. The current storage volumes or virtual machines may need to be imported or attached to the new cluster. For information on data migration and integration, refer to the policies and documentation of your particular HCI solution.
noime Lv3Posted 12 Oct 2023 12:39
"Upon setting up virtual storage in the new cluster, the data currently residing on Node-C will be deleted."

"Data was lost when Node-C was expelled from Cluster-A due to a malfunction."

"When configuring the new virtual storage in the fresh cluster, the prior data will be wiped out."
GingP Lv2Posted 12 Oct 2023 12:43
For precise instructions on how to import or mount existing storage devices or volumes on the new cluster, I advise reviewing the documentation or getting in touch with the support team for your particular storage solution or cluster management software. Based on your configuration, they will be able to provide you the most precise and pertinent information.
Hector Ignacio Lv2Posted 12 Oct 2023 12:44
When a new cluster is built with Node-C and other new nodes, the previous data that was synchronized on Node-C should still be available if the local storage devices (HDDs/SSDs) of Node-C were not physically removed or destroyed.
However, whether or not the data can be simply merged into the new cluster's virtual storage will depend on the HCI software and setup. It might be necessary to import or attach the present virtual machines or storage volumes to the new cluster. Consult the guidelines and instructions provided by your specific HCI solution for details on data integration and migration.
jesspastor Lv2Posted 12 Oct 2023 12:46
The information on Node-C's storage devices shouldn't be immediately erased when a new virtual storage cluster is formed in the new cluster that includes Node-C. Node-C's data could not, nevertheless, be instantly included into the brand-new virtual storage cluster.
To import or link the existing data on Node-C to the new cluster's storage, you'll probably need to take particular steps. In this procedure, virtual disks are normally created, storage rules are typically configured, and existing data is typically attached to virtual machines.
MTR Lv2Posted 15 Oct 2023 20:18
When forming the virtual storage on the new cluster, the previous data in the Node-C is still available?

If the disks in Node-C were not physically damaged and still contain the data, you can potentially retrieve the data. When you form a new cluster with Node-C and other new nodes, you would typically need to configure the storage solution to recognize the existing data on the disks. This might involve importing or mounting the existing storage pools or volumes.
After the Node-C was broken, the data was lost when removed from Cluster-A?

If Node-C was removed from Cluster-A, but the disks were not damaged, the data should still be on the disks. However, if the disks were wiped or replaced, then the data would be lost.
The data before is erased when forming the new virtual storage in the new cluster?

When forming a new virtual storage on the new cluster with Node-C, it depends on the specific storage solution and how it handles existing data. Some storage solutions may provide mechanisms to import or recover data from existing disks, while others may require data migration or restoration processes.
Remember, this is a high-level overview and specific steps and considerations would depend on the exact HCI solution you're using. If you're dealing with a real-world situation, it's recommended to consult with the support documentation of your HCI solution provider and possibly seek assistance from their support team to ensure proper handling of data and hardware.

CTI TF Lv2Posted 16 Oct 2023 09:27
Hi. Before answering the question you have raised, we would like to clarify that for the virtual storage does not support removing the nodes which related to the data copies.
Thus, removing Node C and make it to form a new cluster is not an option in the real environment scenario.

For your question, you may find the explanation below.  
1. When forming the virtual storage on the new cluster, the previous data in the Node-C is still available?
A: No as all the selected disks will be format before proceeding to create/initiate any storage including Virtual Storage, Local Storage, iSCSI storage and FC storage.

2. After the Node-C was broken, the data was lost when removed from Cluster-A?
A: Unfortunately, HCI do not support removing node from the Cluster when the node is a member of the virtual storage. Even it is supported, the data stored in the virtual storage will be the shard file which is incomplete without the other nodes.
Thus, the data consider broken/unusable after removed from the Cluster.  

3.  The data before is erased when forming the new virtual storage in the new cluster?
A: Yes, as disk formatting will be carried out to form new partition for virtual storage.

Assuming the hdd/sdd was not removed from Node-C, only the node is broken(let's say the power output was burned out but the disks survived).
A: You could replace the faulty/broken hardware and perform node replacement if necessary.

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