Adonis001 Lv3Posted 2023-Sep-28 15:28
You will need to deal with your network architecture and maybe configure or adjust VPN settings if that is pertinent to your network arrangement if you want to move an existing network link in your branch.
Naomi Posted 2023-Sep-28 15:29
it is possible through sd wan
VanFlyheights Lv3Posted 2023-Sep-28 15:30
Yes, Plan a maintenance window for the transfer so there is as little downtime as possible. Then, switch to the new VPN link and keep an eye on its performance after the migration. A good transfer depends on thorough documentation and input from your IT staff.
BitCloud Lv3Posted 2023-Sep-28 15:32
Yes it is safe to used the BBC but i think you will touch the template.
Mar Estonido Lv1Posted 2023-Sep-28 15:33
possibly yes because BBC is a good tool for connecting links
Christian Ni Lv1Posted 2023-Sep-28 15:35
Yes, The migration with existing link is possible with vpn path BBC.

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