Unable modify NGAF admin password via the PX access

  • 53
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Issue Description

After login on the Platform-X and tries to access the NGAF. There is a pop up request to change password , after insert the current password to modify the password the Access denied error message is prompt out.

Error/Warning Information

The change password request is prompt up upon the NGAF is load.

Insert the current password and the new password.

After click save, the access denied error message is prompt.

Handling Process

When encounter this issue may direct access the NGAF using WAN / IP access and modify the admin password

Root Cause

The reason of the issue as mentioned is because of the limitation of the NGAF only allow the modification for the expired admin password on NGAF only.


Suggest to direct acccess the NGAF using the LAN/WAN to modify the admin password.


I want to write a case
Doc ID: 9198
Author: Ted3
Updated: 2023-08-30 17:42