Troubleshoot of backup chain issues

Vittore Zen Lv1Posted 2023-Apr-04 19:44

I occasionally have to contact support to troubleshoot backup chain issues.
It would be great if in HCI interfaces there were three buttons:
- Try to repair the faulty backup chain
- Remove all backup files (not like now that remove backup files and archives files)
- Export backup as OVA


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Faisal Piliang Posted 2023-Apr-05 00:03
When the secondary site conducts remote business recovery, the backup data chain of secondary
site will be inconsistent with that of primary site; in other words, when the data center of primary
site breaks down, the backup files will be lost at the primary site and then the full image files and
incremental backup files synchronized from the primary site will exist at the secondary site. Then
full migration is conducted.
There are four specific scenarios as follows:
1) The primary site loses all the backup files (including the full image files and incremental
backup files.
2) The primary site loses the full image files and part of incremental backup files.
3) The primary site loses part of incremental backup files before the secondary site is recovered.
4) The primary site loses all the incremental backup files.
SassyScorpio Lv2Posted 2023-Apr-05 03:43
Last edited by SassyScorpio 09 Apr 2023 22:45.

Regarding the first button, "Try to repair the faulty backup chain," it is a useful feature that could save time and effort when dealing with backup issues. Some backup software already includes automatic repair options, while others require manual intervention. Regardless of the method used, repairing a faulty backup chain is crucial to maintain the integrity of the backed-up data.

The second button, "Remove all backup files," could be useful in cases where the backup files are no longer needed or are causing issues. However, it is essential to consider the impact of deleting backup files, as they are the only copies of data that could be essential in the future. It is best to follow the backup retention policies and procedures established by your organization or follow industry best practices.

Finally, the third button, "Export backup as OVA," is a useful feature that could simplify the process of moving the backup data between different systems or platforms. An OVA file is a virtual appliance that includes the virtual machine and its associated resources, making it easy to transfer and deploy virtual machines. However, not all backup software supports exporting backup data as OVA files.

In conclusion, the buttons you suggested could be useful features for HCI interfaces, but their implementation depends on the backup software and its capabilities. It is always recommended to follow the backup best practices and consult with the backup software support team when dealing with backup issues.