ReportCente VDI

KonstantinK Lv1Posted 2023-Feb-15 20:09

Does any body have information about abilities of ReportCente ?
do we have a User Guide or description for that functional ?

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Check out the VDI Report Center Overview video from the link below: ... SANGFORTECHNOLOGIES
Is this answer helpful?
Siva Posted 2023-Feb-15 22:42
Check out the VDI Report Center Overview video from the link below: ... SANGFORTECHNOLOGIES
rivsy Lv5Posted 2023-Feb-16 14:36

You can check the video below

Jhazz Lv3Posted 2023-Feb-17 17:07
You can check below for the Sangfor VDI solution...

Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 2023-Feb-17 17:12
Got it, thanks for your sharing.

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