NeTSec Lv3Posted 22 Sep 2022 15:06
It is under the case of data breach if you do that.
noime Lv3Posted 22 Sep 2022 15:31
That is not the function of a Sangfor Internet Access Gateway. It is for bandwidth management.
Rhebie Lv3Posted 25 Sep 2022 19:39
Sangfor IAM cannot read or display the content of each user's uploaded and downloaded email and attachment. It is a violation of the Data Privacy Act and a very unprofessional act to read/view another person's email without their permission.
You can read, show, and download the email attachment by going to the cpanel or the company's email domain provider, but not on Sangfor IAM; however, reading, showing, and downloading user email is against the Data Privacy Act.
Ashley Anne Lv2Posted 25 Sep 2022 19:47
No, that is outside the scope of Sangfor IAG's coverage, as well as your job. There is content in the files that is only for accounting, finance, and human resources. If that is possible, the risk of data theft increases. In terms of files, Sangfor IAM can only look up the extension name and file type. It looks for possible malware. It also has the ability to control HTTP, FTP upload and download activity based on the true file type.
Rashley Lv2Posted 25 Sep 2022 20:03
That is a violation of the DATA PRIVACY.
Racoon Lv2Posted 25 Sep 2022 20:06
That is not possible because of law in Data Privacy

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