IAM Email Reporting

Newbie491898 Lv1Posted 2018-Jul-25 10:18

As for now, IAM "Send Report to Email" only support SMTP (Port:25) which is not secure and not supported by most of Cloud email provider. It will be good if the email reporting be able to support SSL.
And , the reporting file are send as a GUNZIP (compression File) which is block by Gmail. We unable to received the reporting File. As most system now, Reporting file will be sent as PDF or HTML format. We are hoping IAM able to do this.


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Darrel_IAM Lv2Posted 2018-Jul-25 10:28
Hi  Sir:

      Thanks for you feedback, we are on planning to improve email notification and sorry for the above case.
aafreenbutt Lv1Posted 2018-Aug-05 15:04
I dont know about IAM but NGAF has PDF format.
Faisal P Posted 2022-Nov-04 09:26
Thank you very much for the information ...