To be Membership or Partnership

Noviyanto Lv3Posted 2022-Jul-18 15:24

What's the difference between "Memberhsip" and "Partnership" in my profile? What are the requirements to become a partnership?

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Membership if you are working directly with Sangfor and Partnership if you are a certified Sangfor reseller.

      Being a Sangfor Partner means working closely with Sangfor to provide the best IT solutions and services, with the best support, at the lowest cost, to our global customers. Partners rely on Sangfor for their products and services, while Sangfor relies on Partners for their on-the-ground experience and industry expertise. Sangfor Partners are found in some of the world’s most engaging countries & regions in the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Europe.

      Partners involved in the Sangfor Partner Engagement Program have access to both Sangfor's stellar network security, cloud computing and infrastructure solutions, and are supported by an extensive network of Sangfor-developed product trainings, marketing material, experience sharing, events and technical support.
Is this answer helpful?
Kalem Lv3Posted 2022-Jul-18 15:53
Last edited by Kalem 18 Jul 2022 15:55.

It depends if you are connectec with Sangfor or a reseller.
jetjetd Lv5Posted 2022-Jul-18 15:57
Membership if you are working directly with Sangfor and Partnership if you are a certified Sangfor reseller.

      Being a Sangfor Partner means working closely with Sangfor to provide the best IT solutions and services, with the best support, at the lowest cost, to our global customers. Partners rely on Sangfor for their products and services, while Sangfor relies on Partners for their on-the-ground experience and industry expertise. Sangfor Partners are found in some of the world’s most engaging countries & regions in the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Europe.

      Partners involved in the Sangfor Partner Engagement Program have access to both Sangfor's stellar network security, cloud computing and infrastructure solutions, and are supported by an extensive network of Sangfor-developed product trainings, marketing material, experience sharing, events and technical support.
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 2022-Jul-20 16:55
Partnership are for the Partner Reseller and Membership are the Clients.
naomivillamor Posted 2022-Jul-21 09:32
Were not partners so I think we'll fall on the membership category
nancy Lv1Posted 2023-Aug-09 23:41
good news ok

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