Every option open in NEW TAB :(

ArsalanAli Lv3Posted 2022-May-26 23:52

I am using "sangfor central manager" for SDWAN , Whenever I open an option (click any button) it leads me toward the  "NEW TAB".
after completing my work, I gets 20+ tabs on browser and it getting hectic for me
My suggestion is for sangfor team to kindly resolve this issue of new tabs.

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Sangfor_Brando Lv5Posted 2022-May-27 09:24
Please check whether you have accidentally pressed "CTRL" key while clicking any button on the browser.
Abid Bukhari Lv1Posted 2022-May-27 16:07
I am also facing same issue
Abid Bukhari Lv1Posted 2022-May-31 18:19
did your issue resolve ?
DUHS Arsalan Lv1Posted 2022-Jun-04 18:05
I Also face the same issue during the configuration of central management
basically This issue is not in the firewall , Its in Sangfor server products

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