What New feature in ADC 6.6 Version

SuchatHo Lv1Posted 2018-Jun-25 12:34

Hi, Sangfor Technical Support

Currently my customer using ADC 5.1 Version (appliance box) and interesting to upgrade to new version (6.6)

So they want to know about What New feature in this version

or any major change and good benefit

Thank You

Suchat Ho

Sysnect Information Co.,Ltd

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Below are some improvement for AD 6.6 version,
1. Support more SSL certificate extension to import into AD
2. Syslog support more unicode such as GBK, UTF8, GB2312 and so on
3. NTP server support main and standby server. Sync time range from 1 second to 1 week
4. SNMP monitor supports more detail now.
5. Alarm now support filter using regular expression
Is this answer helpful?
CTI LS Lv3Posted 2018-Jun-27 11:19

Below are some improvement for AD 6.6 version,
1. Support more SSL certificate extension to import into AD
2. Syslog support more unicode such as GBK, UTF8, GB2312 and so on
3. NTP server support main and standby server. Sync time range from 1 second to 1 week
4. SNMP monitor supports more detail now.
5. Alarm now support filter using regular expression

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