Unable to browse file from backup image file

  • 1043
  • 7

Issue Description

Customer would like to browse file from vm backup to retrrive a file. However, when browse to the disk partition, HCI will prompt an error stating "Message. The file does not exist"

Error/Warning Information

Handling Process

1. Other partition do not have such problem, only one partition.
2. Try recover the backup as a new vm instead of browse file, the file able to retrieve, which means the file is exist.
3. After having confirmation, partition that contains the file that consist of "L" attribute was not supported to browse.

4. When there is a file consist of attribute "L", it represent that the files is working on symbolic link. When the files was consist of this attribute, it was not support for browsing.

Root Cause

File was not supported for browsing when there is consist of "L" attributes.


Recover the backup as a new vm to retrieve any folder or files.
Raza Islam Lv3Posted 14 Jun 2022 13:32
Thanks for sharing.
Raza Islam Lv3Posted 19 Jul 2022 19:43
thanks for command.
Faisal P Posted 20 Sep 2022 23:25
Thank you very much for the information ...
Faisal P Posted 20 Sep 2022 23:26
Nice article ...
Faisal P Posted 20 Sep 2022 23:26
Great info ...
Faisal P Posted 20 Sep 2022 23:26
Very informative ...
Faisal P Posted 20 Sep 2022 23:27
Nice guidance ...

I want to write a case
Doc ID: 5769
Author: Jun_Sheng17
Updated: 2022-02-17 15:38