Dispatcher Conflict Severity Warning in VDC System 5

fiore veltri Lv1Posted 2021-Sep-14 16:43

For some days, the following error appears in the alarms of the VDC platform:

"Alarm subject: Dispatcher conflict Severity: high Time .... Node Type: single node Node IP xxxxxx . Description: Local node is specified as dispatcher but the cluster has a dispatcher. Please check the network connection and firewall settings, making sure that ...."

The VDC platform version is "Virtual Desktop Controller VDI5.4.5 EN".
I have checked the network connection and there are no problems. What could be the cause of this error?

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Good day! You may email to our support tech.support@sangfor.com for help regrading this. Appreciate if you could provide some screenshot about the error message.
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Sangfor_Zheng Lv1Posted 2021-Sep-23 10:34
Good day! You may email to our support tech.support@sangfor.com for help regrading this. Appreciate if you could provide some screenshot about the error message.
Ahmed444 Lv1Posted 2022-Aug-12 15:16

Thank you so much for this information.

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