VM not able to upgrade Windows

  • 586
  • 6

Issue Description

After installed vmTools not able to upgrade Windows.

Error/Warning Information

On HCI webconsole VM's using ISO upgrade Windows but it will show error " Windows Server 2016 Installation Failed ".

Handling Process

1. Run CMD as administrator drag and drop PsExec.exe into CMD and enter the following command " -i -s regedit "

2. After that it will open regedit, go to " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\DriverDatabase\DriverPackages\ ".

3. Delete viostor.inf

Note: Others viostor.inf with amd64 suffix cannot be delete.

4. After that you will able to upgrade the Windows again.

Root Cause

As of the current version of vmTools bug when installing vmTools it will write a wrong viostor.inf in to register and caused not able to install the Windows iso.


Delete viostor.inf in registry.


815.37 KB, Downloads: 4

Faisal Posted 30 Aug 2021 06:58
Thank you very much for the information ...
Raza Islam Lv3Posted 25 Jul 2022 16:10
Nice guidance.

I want to write a case
Doc ID: 4947
Author: Sangfor_Zheng
Updated: 2021-08-17 17:15