NGAF does not block VPN on Opera browser

Newbie978950 Lv1Posted 2018-May-22 12:37

Just test blocking users to internet access, and also blocking vpn/proxy tool on application control rule. but seems NGAF still unable to block VPN on OPERA browser. any workaround to blocking VPN on opera browser ? or should we upgrade the firmware ? please your suggestion.
Thank you

Best Regards,

Wira Adiputra

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CTI LS Lv3Posted 2018-May-22 23:07

For your information, Sangfor NGAF main objective is to prevent and block cyber security event. Therefore it does not have the good blocking proxy/VPN performance as Sangfor IAM.
WiraAdiputra Lv1Posted 2018-May-23 16:24

Is there any planning to to develop NGAF for proxy tool issue ?

CTI LS Lv3Posted 2018-May-24 10:36

Your request has been feedback to our RnD Team. I will update you at soonest when I got the feedback
Newbie135686 Lv1Posted 2018-Jul-06 14:23
Hi Wira, for the VPN on opera browser, can be blocked by deny these DNS :

This methode works for now.
Faisal Posted 2021-Sep-04 08:06
Thank you very much for the information ...
Fida_Balti Lv4Posted 2021-Nov-03 13:29
Very informative ...