Changing of management IP and cluster IP

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Issue Description

Some of the time, user may want to change the IP for aCloud/HCI due to network environment change. In this guide, will be guiding on how to change cluster IP and management IP for nodes.

Handling Process

1. First, user will need to empty the cluster IP under System > Cluster settings. This is because aCloud have a restriction when changing of cluster IP, it must be same network segment with management IP for nodes.

2. After empty the cluster setting, press save to save the settings.

3. During this time, cluster IP should not be accessible anymore. Hence, it will require login with nodes original management IP.

4. Proceed to Nodes > Physical Interfaces > Edit Multiple. Select the management interface and proceed to change it with new management IP. (Note: This guide was based on aCloud 6.2.0 version, for older version of aCloud, it should change it under Nodes > Communication Interfaces)

5. After change the management IP for nodes, the original management IP should not be acessible anymore. It will require user to access with new management IP to login to aCloud.

6. After login to aCloud, proceed to system > Cluster settings to set a new cluster IP for your environment.


Change Management IP and Cluster IP through web console.


If management IP is a dedicate interface without integrated with other interfaces (such as edge), the vm production will not be affected. But if edge and management IP is integrated in the same interface, please make sure vm able to connect to network with the new IP before make the changes.
Faisal Lv8Posted 17 May 2021 05:47
Thank you very much for the information ...
Faisal Lv8Posted 17 May 2021 05:48
Nice article ...
Faisal Lv8Posted 17 May 2021 05:48
Great info ...
Faisal Lv8Posted 17 May 2021 05:49
Very informative ...
Faisal Lv8Posted 17 May 2021 05:49
Nice guidance ...
Jun_Sheng17 Posted 10 Jul 2021 14:58
Thanks for sharing
Raza Islam Lv3Posted 25 Jul 2022 16:19
Nice guidance.
Amila Lv1Posted 06 Mar 2024 20:19
Description:  Failed to delete cluster IP address. Please try again later.
Error Code:   0x010024C2

I want to write a case
Doc ID: 4529
Author: Jun_Sheng17
Updated: 2021-05-05 14:16