HCI High Availability

LewisGooi Lv1Posted 2018-Apr-24 08:29

Current Situation: After the HA trigger the VM will move to other node and power on the vm.
Problem: Some of the service need to manually turn on after the VM restart.

Suggested solution: If the physical host is down, the HCI will save the VM system state and pass it to another avaliable physical host and restore the system state instead of restart the whole VM from startup the OS.

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Rickysut Lv3Posted 2018-Jun-21 15:37
That good Sugestion
HWSD Lv1Posted 2021-Apr-05 05:31
Very interesting feature....
Faisal Posted 2021-Apr-08 08:00
Thank you for share this information
Muhammad Furqan Lv2Posted 2021-Apr-08 11:05
thank you for sharing such information