WANO support OpenVPN

Newbie672089 Lv2Posted 2019-Dec-16 18:14

I read about the WANO brochure, searching Sangfor WANO for support OpenVPN. I guessing Sangfor WANO was not supported.

Since OpenVPN was using a single UDP/TCP port, has encryption using OpenSSL (Let's Encrypt), works through NAT and had the highest security levels, I think it worthy to put OpenVPN as WANO new feature and maybe it can be WANO new key feature.

it just my opinion for WANO beside WANO has featured in Sangfor SD-WAN.

Please correct me if I am wrong about that.

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Faisal Posted 2020-Jul-21 19:50
Refer to open VPN explain setting up a VPN based on OpenVPN requires setting up a few "groups" of configuration options. Each of them covers separate elements of a VPN tunnel. One part is the connection between server and clients. Next up is the encryption layer, then there is the authentication layer and at the end we cover the network inside the tunnel ...
Faisal Posted 2021-Oct-24 09:15
Thank you very much for the information ...