Question 14 - One Question A Week

Sangfor Elsa Posted 2019-Aug-16 09:59

Hi fellas,

The right option for our last question is option 4! Most of you have answered right! Congratulations! And let's see if you can get the right answer this time!

[Event Duration]
Question 14  August 16 - August 22

[How to Play]
Select the option you think is right.

[Event Rewards]
Each reply will earn 100-coin tokens, and the right answer will earn extra 200-coin tokens.

1. The rewards will be sent out next week.
2. The right answer will be updated in this thread next week.

Next Question will come from the following document!

Update on August 23

Question 14
Which of the following options is true about Intrusion Prevention policy?
The detailed explanation of the answer is as follows.

1. Only need to configure one policy can protect PC and Server
False: Need two policy to protect PC and Server. Because policy for PC and Server need different Source Zone and Destination Zone.

2. When need to protect PC the policy source zone is internal.
True: The policy for PC must configure source zone is internal. Because the source zone must be the initiator of the TCP link.

3. Strategies for protecting PC and Server, the only difference is the zone configuration.
False: Not only the zone configures but also need to configure different protection option.

4. Protect PC and Server can configure same attack types
False: Policy for PC need to change Endpoint Protection. And policy for Server need change Server Protection and Brute-Force attack.

Single Poll, 197 voters in all
6.60% (13)
84.26% (166)
1.52% (3)
7.61% (15)
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Dona Posted 2019-Aug-21 08:52
i was answer
Faisal Posted 2021-Mar-27 17:47
Already gave the answer to the Poll
Muhammad Furqan Lv2Posted 2021-Apr-03 12:54
Already gave the answer to the Poll

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