how to add sangfor ngaf to zabbix host?

gao ke tang Posted 2019-Jun-08 14:55

please help me add sangfor ngaf to host of zabbix server by smnp?
I can do that very easey with aruba switch however i could not do it with sangfor.
Can you help me?

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Adding host

To add a new host, click on Create host. This will present us with a host configuration form.

IP address

Enter the IP address of the host. Note that if this is the Zabbix server IP address, it must be specified in the Zabbix agent configuration file 'Server' directive.

More Descriptive:
Parameter        Description
Host name        Enter a unique host name. Alphanumerics, spaces, dots, dashes and underscores are allowed.
Note: With Zabbix agent running on the host you are configuring, the agent configuration file parameter Hostname must have the same value as the host name entered here. The name in the parameter is needed in the processing of active checks.
Visible name        If you set this name, it will be the one visible in lists, maps, etc. This attribute has UTF-8 support.
Groups        Select host groups the host belongs to. A host must belong to at least one host group.
New host group        A new group can be created and linked to the host. Ignored, if empty.
Interfaces        Several host interface types are supported for a host: Agent, SNMP, JMX and IPMI.
To add a new interface, click on Add in the Interfaces block and enter IP/DNS, Connect to and Port info.
Note: Interfaces that are used in any items cannot be removed and link Remove is greyed out for them.
Use bulk requests option for SNMP interfaces allows to enable/disable bulk processing of SNMP requests per interface.
IP address        Host IP address (optional).
DNS name        Host DNS name (optional).
Connect to        Clicking the respective button will tell Zabbix server what to use to retrieve data from agents:
IP - Connect to the host IP address (recommended)
DNS - Connect to the host DNS name
Port        TCP/UDP port number. Default values are: 10050 for Zabbix agent, 161 for SNMP agent, 12345 for JMX and 623 for IPMI.
Default        Check the radio button to set the default interface.
Description        Enter the host description.
Monitored by proxy        The host can be monitored either by Zabbix server or one of Zabbix proxies:
(no proxy) - host is monitored by Zabbix server
Proxy name - host is monitored by Zabbix proxy "Proxy name"
Enabled        Mark the checkbox to make the host active, ready to be monitored. If unchecked, the host is not active, thus not monitored.

Or can Also use template method. Follow below link; ... /templates/template

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Is this answer helpful?
Newbie099828 Lv1Posted 2019-Jun-08 15:27
Can someone help me?
Farina Ahmed Lv5Posted 2022-May-17 14:58
Adding host

To add a new host, click on Create host. This will present us with a host configuration form.

IP address

Enter the IP address of the host. Note that if this is the Zabbix server IP address, it must be specified in the Zabbix agent configuration file 'Server' directive.

More Descriptive:
Parameter        Description
Host name        Enter a unique host name. Alphanumerics, spaces, dots, dashes and underscores are allowed.
Note: With Zabbix agent running on the host you are configuring, the agent configuration file parameter Hostname must have the same value as the host name entered here. The name in the parameter is needed in the processing of active checks.
Visible name        If you set this name, it will be the one visible in lists, maps, etc. This attribute has UTF-8 support.
Groups        Select host groups the host belongs to. A host must belong to at least one host group.
New host group        A new group can be created and linked to the host. Ignored, if empty.
Interfaces        Several host interface types are supported for a host: Agent, SNMP, JMX and IPMI.
To add a new interface, click on Add in the Interfaces block and enter IP/DNS, Connect to and Port info.
Note: Interfaces that are used in any items cannot be removed and link Remove is greyed out for them.
Use bulk requests option for SNMP interfaces allows to enable/disable bulk processing of SNMP requests per interface.
IP address        Host IP address (optional).
DNS name        Host DNS name (optional).
Connect to        Clicking the respective button will tell Zabbix server what to use to retrieve data from agents:
IP - Connect to the host IP address (recommended)
DNS - Connect to the host DNS name
Port        TCP/UDP port number. Default values are: 10050 for Zabbix agent, 161 for SNMP agent, 12345 for JMX and 623 for IPMI.
Default        Check the radio button to set the default interface.
Description        Enter the host description.
Monitored by proxy        The host can be monitored either by Zabbix server or one of Zabbix proxies:
(no proxy) - host is monitored by Zabbix server
Proxy name - host is monitored by Zabbix proxy "Proxy name"
Enabled        Mark the checkbox to make the host active, ready to be monitored. If unchecked, the host is not active, thus not monitored.

Or can Also use template method. Follow below link; ... /templates/template

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Faisal Piliang Posted 2022-May-17 17:47
This solution can truly help you achieve effective Web Filtering and unified internet behavior management of all clients in the entire network.
jetjetd Lv5Posted 2022-May-18 00:10
rivsy Lv5Posted 2022-May-18 05:48
Last edited by rivsy 18 May 2022 05:49.

Below link is the template for adding zabbix, you can customize or adjust based on your preference
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 2022-May-18 10:48

Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 2022-Jul-19 15:42
Imran Tahir Lv4Posted 2022-Jul-26 13:53

useful topic

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