Witness sizing guide for aCloud stretched cluster

CheneyHu Lv2Posted 05 May 2019 16:50

Configurationrequirements for witness node

Witness  node


Small-scale  deployment (4-6 aCloud nodes, 2-3 nodes at each site)

Support virtual deployment on VMware and physical  deployment
CPU: 6 threads

Witness disk:  capacity > 100GB, performance >=1000 IOPS

Medium-size deployment (8-16 aCloud nodes, 4-8 nodes at  each site)
Physical deployment is highly recommended
CPU: 8 threads

Witness disk:  configure RAID1 with 2 pieces of 128GB or 256GB enterprise-grade SSDs

Large-scale deployment

(18-24 aCloud nodes, 9-12 nodes at each  site)

Physical deployment is highly recommended
CPU: 10 threads

Witness disk:  configure RAID1 with 2 pieces of 128GB or 256GB enterprise-grade SSDs


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Erickson Santos Lv1Posted 20 Feb 2020 17:15
does the witness node need to run aSV also?
Faisal Lv8Posted 09 Sep 2021 09:25
Thank you very much for the information ...