HCI backup and data integrity of microsoft vm

pazzoide76 Lv1Posted 2019-Mar-27 16:05

Hi everyone,
I have a question about backup and cdp with microsoft virtual machines.
I need to know if the backup and the cdp guarantee the integrity of the data with microsoft sql, microsoft exchange and microsoft AD or if I need to use third-party software to back up microsoft vm.

Thank you


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Hi Sir, for your information, everything saved in the VM will still works after you restore backup as long as these service is installed and working fine during the backup time.
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CTI Jimy Lv2Posted 2019-Mar-29 18:01
Last edited by CTI Jimy 29 Mar 2019 18:03.


Can you further explain on what is your requirement or effects which you wish to be able to see?
pazzoide76 Lv1Posted 2019-Mar-31 01:43
I wanted to know if I restore a vm with exchange server installed if the mail database is consistent and is therefore mounted correctly.
I would like to understand if the restore of vm with microsoft sql, exchange or active directory works.
In practice, I want to know if I need to use third-party backup software that uses VSS to have data consistency in a Microsoft environment.

Thank you

Thank you
CTI TF Lv2Posted 2019-Apr-03 10:27
Hi Sir, for your information, everything saved in the VM will still works after you restore backup as long as these service is installed and working fine during the backup time.
pazzoide76 Lv1Posted 2019-Apr-03 15:54
thank you
VirtualCR Lv1Posted 2019-Oct-22 00:48
Last edited by VirtualCR 22 Oct 2019 00:51.

I understand  "everything saved in the VM will still works after you restore backup as long as these service is installed and working fine during the backup time."

but  it seems a crash-consistent backup  and may be sufficient for VMs that run applications with low quantity of transactions. If you process VMs with highly transactional applications, you should instruct backup software to quiesce the VM and create a transactionally consistent backup.

If you back up  virtualized database systems that use transaction logs, for example, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle on Windows  you need instruct backup software to truncate transaction logs so that logs do not overflow the storage space on the VM.

From Microsoft side the only supported way to backup MS Active Directory, SQL and Exchange is with VSS Writers enabled softwares.

On HCI/aCloud documentation you can find information only on VMware related backups with VSS enabled snapshots.
There should be the same function also on Sangfor Backups.

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