Issue 7 of Interview with Premium Content Creator @Medic

Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 23 Jul 2024 17:20

We present you to Medi, a technical engineer who has much experience and a better understanding of Sangfor network secure (NGAF) products in this interview. You can find him in the Community @Medic. We are glad to be able to show you some useful experience and we invite you to read more below:

What inspired you to start writing technical documentation, and how did you get started in this area?

- Sharing experiences
Sharing experiences is something fun. I got a lot of things from here. By sharing we will be increasingly challenged to try something new.
- Deepen skills
Skill is something that is obtained by continuing to try and try. By trying something continuously, your skills will automatically deepen. Moreover, if it is written down in documentation, this matter will become increasingly embedded in our minds and difficult to forget.
- Provide benefits to other people
Many people need help when a new device arrives and needs to be configured at their place of work. Not a few of them are very cloudy, so they need the help of other people. I think helping others is a huge benefit. Because the best of us are those who have many benefits for other people.

Can you describe your process for writing technical documentation?

- Determine the topic to write about
The topic to be written is determined first

- Create a concept
A concept of what to write is very helpful in the next stage
- Carrying out test experiments on the system
Implemented concept
- Documenting
Make screenshots at each stage carried out. Whether the configuration succeeds or fails, a screenshot is taken to be used as an evaluation
- Write in articles
This stage is very interesting because I think at this stage we will express our ideas into the reader's mind in written form. So the choice of words and meaning are things that need to be considered.
- Evaluation of writing
After the writing is finished, I review it again, both in terms of the content of the writing, grammar, and so on, so that the writing is easy for readers to understand.
- Post writing


What tools or resources do you find indispensable when writing technical documentation?

I usually use the following three tools:
- Computer/laptop
- Ms. Word office
- Gns3 for virtualization (if required)


Can you share a particular challenge you faced while writing documentation and how you overcame it?
- Busy work, overcome this challenge by setting aside special time for experimenting and writing. Maybe after work, or during free time between busy schedules
- Limited tools for experimentation, overcome this challenge by backing up the system before making changes or additions. If an error or error occurs, the settings are restored to the last backup version
- Lack of knowledge, overcome this challenge by reading official technical documents issued by Sangfor for example from


Konfigurasi DNAT  Pada Sangfor NGAF untuk Server Prtg Admin
#Configuration# DNAT Configuration on Sangfor NGA V8.0.47 for PRTG Admin Server
Internet Access Configuration On The DHCP Server Protocol in NGAF
Konfigurasi Akses Internet Pada Protocol DHCP Server dalam Firewall NGAF
Internet Distribution At Sangfor NGAF
Distribusi Internet untuk User Pada Sangfor NGAF
#Configuration# Configure SNMP on Sangfor NGAF so that it can be read in real time in the Prtg-Admin
Konfigurasi SNMP pada Sangfor NGAF agar terbaca secara realtime di Prtg-Admin

- END -

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Sangfor Jojo Lv5Posted 23 Jul 2024 17:42
If you want to share articles like troubleshooting cases or configuration guides and get paid 3000 coins, please click the link below to register for this event.
Enrico Vanzetto Lv4Posted 24 Jul 2024 23:16
HI, congrats to Medic !
vesogi7900 Lv2Posted 25 Jul 2024 18:13
Congratulations Medic!
Deadline Posted 25 Jul 2024 23:57
thanks for sharing
Apriyanto Lv5Posted 28 Jul 2024 23:53