Unable to increase Elastic IP bandwidth for VCP of tenant without disassociate it

Mohamed Elzaki Lv1Posted 19 Apr 2024 10:18

I cannot increase the bandwidth of Elastic IP after assigning it to the tenant without removing it from the tenant network.

how I can do it without interrupting the tenant's network?

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To increase the bandwidth without disrupting network connectivity, you can follow a few steps. You need to allocate a new Elastic IP address with the desired bandwidth. Then, update the VCP configuration to use the new Elastic IP while retaining the existing one for a seamless transition. After confirming that the new Elastic IP is functioning correctly, you can safely disassociate the old one from the tenant's network.
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Farina Ahmed Posted 23 Apr 2024 13:29
To increase the bandwidth without disrupting network connectivity, you can follow a few steps. You need to allocate a new Elastic IP address with the desired bandwidth. Then, update the VCP configuration to use the new Elastic IP while retaining the existing one for a seamless transition. After confirming that the new Elastic IP is functioning correctly, you can safely disassociate the old one from the tenant's network.
mdamores Lv3Posted 23 Apr 2024 15:34

Usually, increasing the bandwidth of an Elastic IP after assigning it to a tenant network typically will require removing it from the network and then re-assigning it again with the new bandwidth configuration.
Downtime might be necessary in order for the services to take effect.
pmateus Lv2Posted 23 Apr 2024 16:41

You need to remove it, reconfigure and add it again with the new bandwith configuration.
Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 23 Apr 2024 17:24
No, it is impossible. Simply allocate a new Elastic IP address with the desired bandwidth.
Zonger Lv4Posted 23 Apr 2024 19:31
To increase the bandwidth of an Elastic IP address without interrupting the tenant's network, you can detach the Elastic IP from the current instance, allocate a new Elastic IP with the desired bandwidth, and then associate this new Elastic IP with the instance. This process ensures continuous network connectivity for the tenant while allowing you to adjust the bandwidth as needed without interruption.
Newbie290036 Lv2Posted 24 Apr 2024 08:52
By following below steps, you can increase the bandwidth of the Elastic IP without interrupting the tenant's network.

1. Create a new Elastic IP with the desired bandwidth: a. Allocate a new EIP with the increased bandwidth from your cloud provider's management console or API. b. Ensure that the new EIP is in the same availability zone or region as the existing EIP to maintain connectivity.

2. Update the tenant's network configuration: a. Create a new network interface (ENI) with the new EIP attached to it. b. Associate this new ENI with the tenant's instance(s) or load balancer. This can be done using the cloud provider's management console, API, or CLI tools. c. Monitor the network traffic transition from the old EIP to the new EIP. This process should be seamless, but it's essential to monitor the transition to ensure no interruption in service.

3. Remove the old EIP from the tenant's network: a. Once the traffic has fully transitioned to the new EIP, safely remove the old EIP from the tenant's network configuration. b. This can be done by detaching the old ENI from the tenant's instance(s) or load balancer and deleting the old ENI. c. Finally, delete the old EIP from your cloud provider's management console or API.
jerome_itable Lv3Posted 25 Apr 2024 08:41
Utilize a Spare Elastic IP (if available):

    Availability Check: Verify if you have a spare Sangfor Elastic IP with sufficient bandwidth capacity.
    Assign Spare IP: Assign the spare Elastic IP to the tenant's network. Ensure proper configuration for the new IP to function correctly.
    Migrate Services (Optional): If necessary, migrate tenant services to the new Elastic IP with minimal downtime (depending on service architecture).
    Release Original IP: Once the tenant is successfully using the spare Elastic IP, you can release the original IP for future use or bandwidth modification.
Prosi Lv2Posted 25 Apr 2024 23:30
Disassociate an Elastic IP address​​ To change the resource that the Elastic IP address is associated with, you must first disassociate it from the currently

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