Android EasyConnect Unable To Connect VM In VMP

  • 1098
  • 6

Issue Description

Android EasyConnect unable access VM in VMP, user able to login VDC user account, but when select the VM resources, it shows connection timeout.

Handling Process

1. Tried to use VDI to access the VM and it is able to access.
2. Tried to lower the RDP security level by using gpedit.msc but also not able to access.
3. Tried to disable the firewall setting in Windows and it also unable to be accessed.
4. Tried to insert netsh winsock reset and reboot the VM but it also unable to be accessed.
5. Tried to create password for Windows user account but it also unable to be accessed.
6. Tried to telnet 3389 to test the port from VDC to VM but VDC shows unable to connect to VM.

Root Cause

  • VDC and VM use port 3389 for the android Easy Connect to connect to the VM.
  • VDC and VM must be able to ping for each others.
  • VDC’s LAN segment is using public IP to access but VM is using private IP 192.168.10.x.


Change the deployment to gateway mode and assign an 192.168.10.x IP address to the LAN segment.
Faisal Posted 23 Aug 2020 10:46
Thank you very much for the information ...
Faisal Posted 21 Oct 2020 08:37
Nice article ...
Faisal Posted 20 Dec 2020 10:04
Great info ...
Ellechar Lv4Posted 22 Jan 2021 13:16
Very nice infoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Faisal Posted 21 Mar 2021 08:01
Very informative …
Faisal Posted 06 Jun 2021 07:28
Nice guidance ...

I want to write a case
Doc ID: 2302
Author: Sangfor_Brando
Updated: 2019-12-22 16:35