PC Login To VM Get Low Resolution

  • 301
  • 12

Issue Description

Customer using a laptop to access to Windows 10 VM. After access to the VM, customer found that they only get 1280*720 resolution which is low resolution compared to his laptop.

Handling Process

  • Verify with customer, this issue only happen in login through PC not aDesk.
  • Check on the Windows 10 VM resolution configuration(By default the VM’s resolution configuration is not able to change), it only get 1280*720.
  • Check on the laptop resolution configuration, the resolution is 2560*1440.
  • Found that on the laptop, the scaling are 200%.
  • After changing the scaling on the laptop to 100%, the VM can get the same resolution as laptop.

Root Cause

It is because of Windows 10 has the scaling function, it will cause the VM get a low resolution if changing the scaling. The calculation is shows on below:
Laptop resolution: 2560*1440, scaling 200%
VM resolution calculation:
2560/2(which is 200% scaling) = 1280, 1440/2(which is 200% scaling) = 720
VM resolution 1280*720


Change the scaling size on the laptop to a smaller value to increase the resolution on the VM.


If the VDI client has been Restore Down, the resolution will getting low.
Sangfor_Brando Lv5Posted 03 Feb 2020 10:05
Thanks for the sharing.
Surbakti Lv3Posted 03 Feb 2020 15:40
nice and good
Surbakti Lv3Posted 03 Feb 2020 15:59
great knowledge
fajrin Lv4Posted 07 Feb 2020 18:10
good help   
Bunda Lv3Posted 07 Feb 2020 18:16
absolute good  
Faisal Posted 09 Aug 2020 09:42
Thank you very much for the information ...
Faisal Posted 03 Nov 2020 10:54
Nice article ...
Faisal Posted 05 Dec 2020 09:05
Great Info
Faisal Posted 05 Mar 2021 08:23
Very informative …

I want to write a case
Doc ID: 2738
Author: Newbie280530
Updated: 2019-12-31 11:21