SANGFOR I-AM incorrect username in Activity/Logs

syedjahanzaib Lv1Posted 17 Jan 2020 11:55

We recently acquired SANGFOR IAM 5200 device (firmware 12.0.40) & having some serious issue related to logging.

When I go to ONLINE users tab I can see valid domain users name(alias) appearing BUT when I Goto STATUS > INTERNET ACTIVITIES , I see DOMAIN\ADMINISTRATOR username appearing in username(Alias)  for various user,

example on my workstation I logged in with username JOHN but on internet activities its showing DOMAIN\ADMINISTRATOR. This happened for random users.

This is very serious issue.  this is creating confusion by showing wrong username for normal user. When I pull logs, its showing activities done by DOMAIN\ADMINISTRATOR. where as this ID is never used on workstation.

Kindly advise.

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syedjahanzaib Lv1Posted 24 Jan 2020 11:30
The issue was resolved.
We were using SSO with domain logon script. When we RDP to another sysetm using domain admin ID, then in internet activities it starts to show domain ID.
To settle this, we used IWA option & the issue got resolved. although we had to enable SMB v1 support on active directory server 2016.

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