Archive lifecicle logic 5

Vittore Zen Lv1Posted 02 Feb 2023 23:09


I have a VM with a backup and archive policy. The archive retention policy will retain 1 backup for 10 years.
Now I shut down the VM and deleted it from the HCI dashboard.
How about archived backup? Are these backups deleted? If these are not deleted where can I restore them?

Thanks in advance.

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If you shut down the VM and deleted it from the HCI dashboard, the archived backups will not be deleted due to the archive retention policy. Cloud Storage is dedicated to storing backup archive data.
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CLELUQMAN Lv3Posted 03 Feb 2023 10:09
If you deleted a VM from the HCI dashboard, it may not have automatically deleted its archived backups. The archived backups are typically stored separately from the VM and can still exist even if the VM is deleted.
CLELUQMAN Lv3Posted 03 Feb 2023 10:19
The location of the backup repository can vary depending on which backup solution you are using with Sangfor HCI. It could be stored on the Sangfor HCI platform itself, on a separate storage device, or in the cloud.
rivsy Lv5Posted 03 Feb 2023 13:15
If you deleted the VM, achieved backup will not be deleted
Jhazz Lv3Posted 03 Feb 2023 13:30
Backup data still retain even if the VM is deleted. But I recommend to check first the backup before deleting the VM
Luih Miranda Lv3Posted 03 Feb 2023 15:46
If you shut down the VM and deleted it from the HCI dashboard, the archived backups will not be deleted due to the archive retention policy. Cloud Storage is dedicated to storing backup archive data.
Faisal P Posted 06 Feb 2023 22:36
Retention policies indicate where organizations keep data and for how long.

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