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FTP vs SFTP and what is best to use?

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Created: 2023-Jul-20 16:15


Today we're discussing FTP versus SFTP. Both protocols will get data from one place to another, but which one is right for my business needs? We're here to simplify your decision-making process an eas ...


Faisal P Posted 2023-Jul-21 18:23
Thank you very much for the information ...
rivsy Posted 2023-Jul-21 14:48
I preferred to use STFP
Farina Ahmed Posted 2023-Jul-21 14:18
FTP (File Transfer Protocol): Simple and widely supported but lacks encryption and data security. Suitable for non-sensitive data transfers within a trusted network.
SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol): Secure and encrypted, ideal for transferring sensitive or confidential data over the internet. Preferred for data protection and security.
Jami Ullah Posted 2023-Jul-21 11:47
very informative article.
Kazuma Posted 2023-Jul-20 17:57
wow, this is a useful information.

Thanks for this
Newbie517762 Posted 2023-Jul-20 17:20
Thanks for your sharing.
rivsy Posted 2023-Jul-20 16:25
thank you for this