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how to deploy the edr agent by intune

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Created: 2022-Dec-30 18:05


hello i'm trying to deply the agent by using microsoft InTune. the are two ways for doing it: the first one is to trasform the exe file in to msi,;the second one is to transform in .intunewin file. t ...


Newbie418352 Posted 2023-Jan-11 16:49
hello to all. I know that intune distribution is not supported, but  I'm pleasure to say all that i have installed the agent using INTUNE, specifically using the .intunewin file extension, and it works perfectly...
Draiden Posted 2023-Jan-11 16:10
It is possible but you will have two platforms' dashboards but take note, It won't correlate (linkage). It will only be part of intune for auto deployment of its agents.
BoonSeong Posted 2023-Jan-11 11:41
Currently ES agent is not support installation using intone.
Newbie318663 Posted 2023-Jan-06 14:28
better contact your local provider to get help for technical task
Newbie418352 Posted 2023-Jan-04 16:12
looking you answer i guess i didn't explain me.
currently aren't different solution form my solution.
i have solved the intune distribution by using the msi file,like descripted in my post, but the better way, also for having all the features of in tune deployment, is using the intunewin file extension, that unfortunately doesn't works
jetjetd Posted 2023-Jan-04 14:25
Coordinate with your local ISP to assist you with the installation.
Pilita Posted 2023-Jan-03 20:38
Please contact the ISP
Josepina31 Posted 2023-Jan-03 20:34
the ISP must be contacted
RobertonY Posted 2023-Jan-03 20:29
Contact your local ISP.