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Upgrade fail from IAM to IAG

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Created: 2021-Sep-10 21:13


I am using vIAM-10000 and the existing version is 12.0.42. Firstly, I tried upgrade to 13.0.18 but fail and pops out below error: So I upgrade from 12.0.42 to 12.0.44 success.Secondly, I tried upgra ...


honschoi Posted 2021-Sep-23 15:34
I already tried to upgrade from 12.0.42 to 13.0.18 but also fail.
You can try it in your lab first.
Liew Posted 2021-Sep-22 22:38

"So I upgrade from 12.0.42 to 12.0.44 success." Based on this information, I believe that your current version is IAM12.0.44 instead of 12.0.42. For your information, IAM12.0.44 does not support upgrade to IAG13.0.15 or IAG13.0.18.

Dondon Posted 2021-Sep-15 20:28
You should contact tech support by emailing

*This message below is from sangfor tech*

#removed the patch from backend

#new version does not require the patch

#sorry, it need to remove on backend, it is recommend our Sangfor personel to perform the action.