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How to cancel any exam?

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Created: 2019-Oct-24 23:08


Hellow everybody, in this problem i take many exam, but i want to take only IAM version? How to cancel this exam except IAM version? Because I finish written exam for IAM and Im passed for the result ...


Apriyanto Posted 2019-Oct-29 20:24
focused in one exam, and finished

ignore all , and start from begin and focused bro

Sangfor Elsa Posted 2019-Oct-25 11:55

There is no need to cancel the exams. If you do want to cancel, you can cancel in the registration stage but in your case, all the exams are already proved and the released, and cancel is not available in this stage.

The exams will not affect each other. If you only want to take the IAM exam, you can just ignore the other exams and they will not display in the next month.