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Clockin Time

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Created: 2019-Aug-15 08:19


Clockin Time Can you set clockin time in mobile and desktop to same clockin time ? because it different, i show you the capture :


Dominic Hendro Posted 2019-Sep-04 11:25

From that i see about this clock in should be fixed again, because in writing Rank was No.1 but in Rank No.2.

972695d6f2d6585057.png (100.67 KB, Downloads: 782)


946485d6f2d76e5b46.png (100.67 KB, Downloads: 775)

Dominic Hendro Posted 2019-Aug-23 19:34
A good input about clock in different clocks
Sangfor Elsa Posted 2019-Aug-15 10:20
Thank you for the feedback! We will fix it asap.