Sangfor Community»Categories Products Internet Access Gateway (IAG) IAM 11.9 OVA login issue on web page

IAM 11.9 OVA login issue on web page

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Created: 2019-Mar-31 15:55


Dear Team, I have downloaded the IAM 11.9 OVA from the given link When i imported it using vmware, i configured its IP as show ...


Newbie554938 Posted 2019-Sep-22 15:12
What is this? Is this the virtual image of iam?
I need to implement iam in our office need to do some testing of its features and would appreciate if I can find it's virtual image so I can test in virtual environment.

Is islt possible?
Muhammad Talha Posted 2019-Apr-01 03:16
Hi bro,

You need to login via this IP

use https:// before your IP and then you will get IAM login page pop up.
I hope this will solve your issue.

Thank you,
Muhammad Talha Siddiqui