Sangfor Community»Categories Product Network Secure with next version(NGAF) cant start SSLVPN because port 4430 in use

cant start SSLVPN because port 4430 in use

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Created: 25 Jun 2024 12:56


Dear All I found an issue when I wanted to start the SSL VPN service on NGAFthere's a notice that port 4430 is in use shown in the screenshot below Another port setting is still the default.We tri ...


Prosi Posted 30 Jun 2024 20:05

Terminate the Conflicting Process:
On Windows, open Task Manager, go to the "Details" tab, find the PID from the previous step, right-click on it, and select "End Process" or "End Task".
On Linux or macOS, use kill PID where PID is the Process ID obtained earlier.
fuadmahbubun Posted 29 Jun 2024 12:18
hi, actually you may use another port for  ssl vpn,
pointing to Network page and choose SSL VPN >> Login option.
change prefer port, and then save.

sslvpn.png (28.01 KB, Downloads: 13)

Newbie517762 Posted 27 Jun 2024 10:01

Please use the Resource Monitor (GUI) in the Windows OS to check the listening port by following these steps:

1. Press Win + R to open the Run dialog box, then type 'cmd' and press Enter.
2. In the command prompt, enter 'Perfmon /Res' and press Enter.

Once the Resource Monitor is open, navigate to the Network tab to view all network connections, listening ports, and associated applications.
Please try changing to a different port for testing once again. Additionally, I have attached the Sangfor NSF SSL VPN configuration guide for your reference.
4_Sangfor NGAF SSL VPN configuration guide_Enrico_EN (1).pdf (631.77 KB, Downloads: 18)