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LDAP User sync error

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Created: 22 May 2024 09:44


Hello, I already configured the LDAP from our active directory however I received an error when  I tried LDAP user sync. TYVM.


Enrico Vanzetto Posted 22 May 2024 19:36
Hi, first ensure you that the user you want to set on NGAF for Active Directory browsing has the necessary permissions. Check twice the security groups that your active directory user you want to use on NGAF is a member. I suggest you to check on your domain controller on event log (administrative events or security log) if there's some entries about this issue when you perform Active Directory browsing.
Rotring Posted 22 May 2024 14:32
There are several reasons you might receive an error during LDAP user sync, even after configuring it with your Active Directory. Here are some steps to troubleshoot the issue:

1.Check the Error Message:  The specific error message will provide valuable clues about the cause of the problem. Look for keywords or error codes within the message and search online for solutions related to your specific software and the error code.

2.Review LDAP Configuration: Double-check your LDAP configuration settings. Ensure you've entered the correct hostname/IP address, port number, base DN (Distinguished Name), username, and password for your Active Directory server.  A typo here can easily cause sync issues.

3.Verify LDAP Connectivity: Test that your system can connect to the LDAP server. Many systems have a "Test LDAP Connection" option within the configuration menu. Use this to confirm connectivity before proceeding with user sync.

4.Check User Permissions: Make sure the user account you're using for LDAP sync has sufficient permissions to read user data from your Active Directory.

5.Filtering Issues: Some systems allow you to configure filters for user sync. Ensure your filter isn't accidentally excluding the users you want to synchronize.
fuadmahbubun Posted 22 May 2024 10:35
Hi, Make sure Your NGAF IP address have access to Active directory lookup
You can Set in windows Active directory Network Policy Server
NPS >>  RADIUS Client And Servers >> RADIUS Client
Click Action and choose New Radius Client
here some Example