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Backup Copy to USB disk

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Created: 13 May 2024 20:39


Execute a periodic Backup Copy versus external USB disk for offline repository It would be great if through backup copy policies we could perform a periodic backup to an external USB disk to store an ...


Zonger Posted 20 May 2024 21:22
Performing a periodic backup copy to an external USB disk for offline storage is a good practice for securing critical data. Currently, Backup Copy policies do not support selecting USB disks as destinations, likely due to their limited accessibility. However, it is recommended to manually transfer the latest backup from any source VM to the USB disk as needed for offline storage. By manually initiating this process when required, you can ensure that crucial data is safely stored in a secure environment.
Newbie290036 Posted 17 May 2024 18:58
Absolutely, creating a periodic backup copy to an external USB disk for an offline repository is a prudent strategy for data protection. While some backup systems may not natively support USB disks as destinations for backup copies due to limitations like accessibility from only one node.
jerome_itable Posted 15 May 2024 08:30
You've identified a limitation with current backup copy policies and outlined a desired functionality for creating offline backups on external USB disks.

Here's a breakdown of your points and some potential solutions:

Current Limitations:

    USB Disks Not Supported: Backup copy policies typically don't allow USB disks as destinations due to their removability and potential for disconnection during operations.
    Single Source Restriction: Existing policies might only accept one source archive.
    Limited Source Selection: You can't choose specific VMs from a backup archive.

Desired Functionality:

    Periodic Backups to USB: Schedule automatic backups to an external USB disk for offline storage.
    Manual Backup Option: Manually trigger the same backup process without relying on a schedule.
    Flexible Source Selection: Choose VMs to include in the backup, regardless of the original source archive.
    USB Overwrite: Allow overwriting existing data on the USB disk.

Potential Solutions:

    Third-Party Backup Software: Consider using dedicated backup software that offers more flexibility in destination selection, including USB disks. Many options allow scheduling, manual execution, and source selection.

    Scripting: If your current backup solution offers scripting capabilities, you might be able to automate the process. The script could identify the latest VM backups, copy them to the USB disk, and potentially handle overwriting. This requires technical expertise.

    Staged Backup: Explore a two-stage approach. Use your existing backup solution for scheduled backups to a central storage. Then, develop a separate script or process to periodically copy the desired VM backups from the central storage to the USB disk.

    Cloud Backup with Download Option:  Consider a cloud backup solution with the option to download specific backups to an external drive when needed. This offers offsite storage with the ability to retrieve offline copies.

Important Considerations:

    Security: Ensure the USB disk itself is properly secured to prevent unauthorized access. Encryption might be necessary for sensitive data.
    Drive Reliability: External USB disks are more prone to failure compared to dedicated storage solutions. Consider using a high-quality drive and having multiple copies of your backups for redundancy.
    Scalability: If you have a large number of VMs, manually copying them might become tedious. Scripting or third-party software can help automate the process for better scalability.
pmateus Posted 14 May 2024 16:16

I think that the best way is to have an backup dedicate vlan that is isolated from the rest of your network where you can safely do backups with NFS or CIFS.
mdamores Posted 14 May 2024 14:19

Currently there were limitations with regards to the current backup copy policies like USB disks, Single Source, and Overwriting but you may find some workarounds below:

- Try Scripting to automate the process.
   - write a script that identifies the latest backup for the desired VM.
   - write a script that copies the backup file to the USB drive
- Try using Third-party tools or backup software that allows and schedule backups to external drives and offers control over source selection and destination handling.
Farina Ahmed Posted 14 May 2024 13:53
Currently, the backup copy policies don't support USB disks as destinations, and they only allow one source archive. It would be helpful if the system could let you manually trigger this backup procedure and select the source VMs from which to extract the latest backup, regardless of where it's stored, and copy it to the USB disk, overwriting any existing data if needed. This way, you can ensure you have a secure offline copy of your data whenever you need it, without relying solely on scheduled backups.
Rotring Posted 14 May 2024 12:44
Tips: The record has been hidden by administrator or moderator.
Newbie517762 Posted 14 May 2024 12:06
Certainly! Utilizing USB disks to implement an offline backup strategy is a prudent way to protect your data from disasters and ransomware. Make sure to regularly rotate and securely store the USB disks to maintain an effective offline backup strategy.
Enrico Vanzetto Posted 14 May 2024 00:03
Hi, you're right about backup copy feature. I suggest you to use an nfs mount on a device (a nas for example) that is reachable only from Sangfor hci nodes and plan a backup copy on it.