ArsalanAli Lv3Posted 26 Dec 2023 16:21
Yes it is,

Your statement refers to a usual situations where security policies are working improperly. This misconfiguration can result multiple issues like

As concern overly restrictive policy, this cases the settings are configured in such a way that they excessively limit access or functionality. This can lead to legitimate users facing difficulties in performing their tasks due to unnecessary restrictions.

On the other hand, if security policies are configured inadequately, they may not provide sufficient protection against potential threats. This could mean that critical resources are left exposed, allowing unauthorized access or activities that compromise the security of the system or network.

In summary, the incorrect configuration of security policies can manifest as either overly restrictive measures that impede normal operations or insufficient protection that leaves systems vulnerable to potential security threats. Achieving the right balance in security policy configuration is crucial to ensuring both the safety of the system and the unhindered functionality for authorized users.

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