Newbie517762 Lv5Posted 06 Jun 2023 17:33
Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of wireless networks:


• Mobility - Users can access the network from anywhere within the wireless range. They are not tied to an ethernet cable. This is convenient and flexible.

• Easy setup - Wireless networks are usually easier to set up than wired networks since there are no cables to run.

• Cost effective - For small networks, wireless can be cheaper than installing cabling for a wired network.


• Security - Wireless networks are more vulnerable to security threats since the signals can propagate beyond the intended users. Extra security measures are needed.

• Performance - Wireless networks generally have lower bandwidth and higher latency than wired networks. They are not as reliable for data-intensive tasks.

• Interference - Wireless networks can suffer from interference from other wireless devices and signals, which can reduce performance.

• Range - The effective range of most wireless networks is limited, especially for slower wireless standards.

• Compatibility - Some older devices may not support the latest wireless standards.

So in summary, wireless networks offer flexibility, easy setup and lower costs, but at the potential expense of security, performance, reliability and compatibility compared to wired networks. The pros and cons will vary depending on your specific network needs and use cases.

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