Daniel Marin Lv1Posted 16 May 2023 21:48
VLANs must be set up, and interfaces must be assigned to the appropriate VLANs. Enable IP routing to facilitate communication across VLANs, then configure each VLAN's IP address on the VLAN interface.
RegiBoy Lv5Posted 17 May 2023 11:59
It must be setup and the interfaces has the correct vlan assignment
MISMIS Lv3Posted 17 May 2023 12:05
The routing between the VLANs must now be configured. Add a new static route on the routing settings page for each VLAN. For example, you may establish a route for the network with a next hop of (the IP address of the router interface that connects to VLAN 20) to VLAN 10. Similarly, you might construct a route for the network to VLAN 20 with a next hop of (the IP address of the router interface that connects to VLAN 10).
Kyle Padilla Posted 17 May 2023 12:13
To activate InterVLAN routing on Sangfor, first build VLANs, then set IP addresses on VLAN interfaces, and last construct static routes or enable a routing protocol such as OSPF or BGP. You may also need to create firewall rules to enable traffic between VLANs.
faysalji Lv3Posted 17 May 2023 12:26
To implement InterVLAN routing on a Sangfor device, you can follow these general steps:

Create VLANs: First, create the VLANs on the Sangfor device. Each VLAN represents a separate broadcast domain or subnet.

Configure VLAN interfaces: Assign IP addresses to the VLAN interfaces on the Sangfor device. These interfaces will act as the default gateways for the respective VLANs.

Enable routing: Enable the routing feature on the Sangfor device to allow traffic to be forwarded between VLANs.

Configure static routes: If you have multiple networks connected to the Sangfor device, configure static routes to ensure that traffic can reach the appropriate destinations.

Apply access control policies: Depending on your network requirements, you may need to apply access control policies to control the traffic between VLANs. This can include rules for allowing or denying specific protocols, ports, or source/destination IP addresses.

Here is a step-by-step configuration example for InterVLAN routing on a Sangfor device:

Log in to the Sangfor device's management interface.

Create VLANs:

Go to the VLAN configuration section.
Create the desired VLANs and assign VLAN IDs to them.
Configure VLAN interfaces:

Go to the interface configuration section.
Assign IP addresses to the VLAN interfaces.
Associate each VLAN interface with the corresponding VLAN.
Enable routing:

Go to the routing configuration section.
Enable routing functionality on the Sangfor device.
Configure static routes:

Go to the routing configuration section.
Add static routes for the networks that are not directly connected to the Sangfor device. Specify the destination network and the next hop or gateway IP address.
Apply access control policies:

Go to the access control configuration section.
Create rules to allow or deny traffic between VLANs based on your network requirements. Specify the source and destination VLANs, protocols, ports, and any other necessary criteria.
Save the configuration changes and apply them.

It's important to note that the specific steps and options may vary depending on the model and firmware version of your Sangfor device. It is recommended to consult the documentation and user guides provided by Sangfor for detailed instructions tailored to your specific device.

If you are unsure about the configuration steps or require further assistance, it is recommended to reach out to Sangfor technical support or consult with a qualified network administrator who is experienced with Sangfor devices.
Saimon Lv2Posted 17 May 2023 21:21
Add routes to each VLAN subnet so that the device knows how to reach the different VLANs.

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