Trouble accessing the IAM

Newbie821546 Lv1Posted 11 Oct 2021 10:58

I am experiencing this issue that even though the IAM and the Firewall, and the clients are all on the same network, i can't access the static IP of the IAM. Whenever i try to ping the IP, it is unreachable. The only way I can access is thru the manage port. Any advice from the community on how I can configure this properly?

*Note: I have no problem accessing the Firewall. I just had this unique problem on IAM only.

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Good day! We appreciate if you could provide screenshot of deployment and the do you able to ping the gateway from web console of IAM?
Is this answer helpful?
Liew Lv2Posted 14 Oct 2021 18:48
Good day! We appreciate if you could provide screenshot of deployment and the do you able to ping the gateway from web console of IAM?

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