Yuhuuu....Thank you Sangfor for the Gift ! :)

adi Lv1Posted 03 May 2019 11:59

I get Mi Powerbank 20000mAh 2pcs from sangfor event community.
Thank you sangfor

WhatsApp Image 2019-05-03 at 10.35.00.jpeg (94.19 KB, Downloads: 1011)

Unboxing :D

Unboxing :D

WhatsApp Image 2019-05-03 at 09.57.08.jpeg (57.98 KB, Downloads: 1002)



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Apriyanto Lv5Posted 03 May 2019 12:03
waw amazing gift from sangfor

always active bro in this forum
Rickysut Lv3Posted 03 May 2019 15:03
congratz..keep up your spirit..
Sangfor Elsa Posted 07 May 2019 11:25
You are most welcome! Please join us in more events, and we have lots of gifts ready for you!

If you have any suggestions about our events, resources, technical service, products or features on the community, please let us know. (through chat, email, feedback, or post, choose what suits you best! )

We would love to hear your voice!
Apriyanto Lv5Posted 07 May 2019 23:02
dont forget to share again bro
Kasdira Lv3Posted 15 May 2019 18:24
cool gift , i want too
ChrisB Lv2Posted 12 May 2020 16:48
Next time, I will have that.